
Adult Education

Growing in faith involves ongoing education. A committed Christian must always be seeking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Christian tradition and the scriptures. Adult education opportunities are regularly offered at St. Alban the Martyr.

Tuesday Book Group

On Tuesday evening at 7:30pm s we often have a book discussion group. Previous books have included:, Smoke on the Mountain by Joy Davidman and others that make us examine our Christian faith in new and exciting ways.

Wednesday Bible Study

On Wednesday mornings following the 9:00 AM mass we meet in the parish hall for breakfast and bible study.


St. Alban the Martyr sponsors regular pilgrimages to places of important spiritual significance. The act of making a pilgrimage can be one of the most powerful ways to make one’s faith come alive. Pilgrimages are educational, inspirational and fun.

There are other programs offered throughout the year designed to help us grow in our faith.